BJJ in Wandsworth

If you live in Wandsworth you might be looking for ‘BJJ near me’. Apollo BJJ is in a great area for you to start / continue with your BJJ training for a few reasons.

  • Our gym is located a few minutes walk from the other side of Wandsworth Bridge, so depending on exactly where you live, you could likely walk here in less than 20 minutes.

  • Our gym and Wandsworth are brilliantly served by local bus routes. For instance you could take the 28 to just a few minutes away from us. This is a highly fast and cheap way to get to and from training.

  • The cycle route from Wandsworth to Apollo BJJ is as good as it gets. You can take the cycle lane directly over Wandsworth bridge and you’d be here in 10-20 minutes depending on where you live.

In summary, if you live in Wandsworth and are looking to train BJJ then check us out! Location is an important aspect in structuring your BJJ classes / training and our location complements this.